Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dear Anonymous Reader,

I was having a conversation with a friend the other night at the kiddie table in the children's section at the bookstore.

I never knew how much a tiny chair could hurt my back.

We were catching up on random things (I know, you're probably wondering why we were at the kiddie table and not at a regular table) and I asked her, "What's something I do or about my personality that just annoys the heck out of you?"
Now, as a side note, I generally don't go around asking people what annoys them about me. I know there are things that I do that annoy people, and honestly, I sometimes do them just because it annoys people (don't judge me, you do it too), but I try not to that often (since it is, in fact, annoying). Also, I think asking someone what annoys them about me can just get...well...annoying. But there are times when I genuinely want to make sure I'm not doing something repetitively obnoxious without realizing it (unless it's funny, of course, 'cause that fixes everything).
Like this guy
At any rate, the answer still surprised me. She said it was some random phrase that I ask her from time to time. It wasn't anything big, but it was just how I said it that she found annoying. You won't get the full effect, but it goes something like this:
"Sooo, how's everything going?"
Except I put a lot of emphasis on the "so" and "how" and make some weird face where she knows exactly what I'm asking about. It's usually something she doesn't wanna talk about at the time, and I just come off as being nosy. 

Which is a fair assessment, because I am being nosy.

I'm a nosy person, what can I say? I'd rather chalk it up to caring about what's going on in my friend's life (which I do), but I can honestly say that she was right in saying that sometimes I just wanna be in the know.

There's not much to this post aside from the fact that there are just some things we do, without realizing it, that for whatever reason annoy the crap out of people. Some may argue, "Well, they can just get over it," while others might just get too scared and change everything about themselves to please everyone else.

I believe there's a balance. I'm not sure exactly what that looks like, but I do know that it's the annoying things people do that make life interesting. I don't say that for the mere sake of giving myself an excuse (because excessive annoyance isn't really funny), but for the sake that I believe it's the little things, even if they get on your nerves, that spice life up a bit.

There's a need for a bit of tension. Nothing worse than a constant comfort zone...'cause then you don't really go anywhere.

Sooo, on that short note...



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